Sunday, May 30, 2010

Waterville Lutheran – Church Newsletter / June 2010

The Waterville Witness June 2010

The monthly newsletter of Waterville Lutheran Church


Pastor's Note:

Many of you are very busy and the summer only adds to this. Those of you who are farmers know that there is never a quiet or even less a dull moment when it comes to living out your vocation. What ever happened then to the lazy long hot afternoons enjoying the sunshine? The opportunities to wave a flag while watching a parade seemed endless. With the advent of a down economy and the need to supply for our families most basic needs the enjoyment seems to have died in the memories of summers past.

What I am most aware of is that changes in the economy and in the demographics of our area have adversely affected our congregation. I am not sure if we can stem the tide of declining membership because this is a trend evident in many of our neighboring congregations. What I do know is that if we do not do something we will slip into the memory of this community. The mission of our congregation is clear – proclaim the Word and receive the sacraments. We do this together and therefore we need each and every member of this church.

Consider how you can contribute to continuing the life and witness of Waterville Lutheran. Be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit and indeed the reality that we have run the risk of change in order to find new life. It may mean that we need to rethink how we do church – which involves evaluating the needs of our community as well.

Enjoy the summer and it is my hope to see you in church this summer!

Peace, Pastor Kris

Dates for the Calendar


June 2     7:00 p.m WOW meeting at the home of Jean Huffey (NOTE CHANGE OF TIME)

        6        10:30 a.m. - Worship Service with Holy Communion

                     11:00-1:00 - St.  John's Luana BBQ Chicken Dinner

        9        7:00 p.m. -  Church council meeting

  11-13        NE IA Synod Assembly at Wartburg College in Waverly

       13        10:30 a.m. - Worship Service

       19        Women's Synod Convention at Wartburg College in Waverly

       20        10:30 a.m. - Worship Service with Holy Communio

27        10:30 a.m. - Worship Servic

30 – July 10    Pastor Continuing Education – Liberty University, VA


Birthdays and Anniversaries


06 - Paul/Wendy Ebner    18 - Bryan Hamm    22 - Jim/Wanda Christianson

24 - Ann White         29 - Alvina Sickels


Council Meeting Highlights from May 2010



Council meeting was held on Wednesday, May 12 with 8 members and Pastor Snyder present.

The NE IA Synod Assembly will be held on June 11-13 at Wartburg College in Waverly.  Each church can send 2 delegates to this assembly. 

Pastor informed the council that he will be gone from June 30-July 14th.  He will find  a supply minister for those Sundays.

There was no new information on shared ministry.


Women of Waterville (WOW) Meeting Notes May 2010


WOW meeting held on May 11 at the home of  Pastor/Randi Snyder

Devotions were given by Marilyn Hamm

All members participated in the lesson "Wise in What is Good"

The Synodical Convention will be held on June 19th at Wartburg College in Waverly.  The theme is "Growing in Faith"  A motion was made by Linda Halvorson and seconded by Randi Snyder to give $50 as an offering to the convention.  Motion carried.

Plans were made for Senior Recognition Sunday on May 16th with a coffee fellowship at 9:30 a.m.  Lunch was served by our hostesses, Pastor  and Randi. Meeting closed with The Lord's Prayer and Table Prayer.

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