Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Today is the first day of July. For most would consider this the official "start" of summer. There is a county fair going on somewhere this weekend. There will be fireworks somewhere within an ear shot. The dazzle and amusement of summer is close at hand. What are we then still waiting for?

Many of us have felt the direct pinch and squeeze of this down turned economy. Either by job loss, pay cuts, or loss in retirement securities. Good news is hard to come by in these times. What are we awaiting - a new economy, promised stimulus, another gospel according to the American dream?

An old hymn states rather clearly, "In times like these we need a Savior." Sounds good to me. So when we are awaiting the hopes and joys of summer we know that deep in our hearts there is true hope to quenched. There is a possibility of change. Now to be waiting for it with anticipation.

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